The obtained raw survey responses were subsequently compiled using Google Forms (2020). Raw data was downloaded and exported to SPSS statistical analysis software version 24 for further descriptive and inferential statics analyses. The raw data was stored in a password-protected computer. Additional backups were made to a Google Drive using a password-protected email to prevent unwarranted access or ensure data recovery if the researcher’s personal computer is stolen or the stored raw data becomes corrupted. Backup data to Google Drive ensured raw survey responses would be available for future reference for a period of up to 5 years before it is deleted or destroyed (Ghauri, et al., 2020).

The research framework illustrated below, showing the Research objectives (RO) the General Research Questions (GRQ) and the Specific Research Questions (SQRS) in the grey, green and blue area. The orange areas showing the survey question.

Research framework with the linked statistical outcome

Underneath the various hypothesis have been described and with the Link Symbol (marked in red), you can open the SPSS-Outcome as shown in the image below.

Within the SPSS report, you can navigate in the left-handed and top menu.